LogoSailfishOS Open Build Service > Request 1915
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Request 1915 (accepted)

I know, why is it in the coderus dir!!!
I've fixed an open bug, found the original (gplv3) license, and it seems a number of people would like to have the game. 

Submit package home:poet...r:coderus / MachinesVsMachines. to package sailfisho...m:testing / MachinesVsMachines.

[-] [+] Added _service

Comments for request 1915 (0)

There's nothing to be done right now

Request History

Mark Washeim poetaster created request about 2 years ago
I know, why is it in the coderus dir!!!
I've fi [+]I know, why is it in the coderus dir!!!
I've fixed an open bug, found the original (gplv3) license, and it seems a number of people would like to have the game.  [-]
-- -- rinigus Request got accepted about 2 years ago